1. Analysis of the solution for the economic load dispatch by different mathematical methods and genetic algorithms: Case Study // 2. Analysis and Operation of an Electric Power Micro-grid // 3. Simulation using MatLab of the behaviour of powerful electrical machine // 4. Comparative physical, mechanical and chemical analysis of concrete produced with malva vegetable fiber // 5. LandGEM model collection and use system for estimating the potential energy // 6. Material Requirement Planning Using the Economic Order Quantity Model: An Application in a Perfumery and Cosmetics Company // 7. Application of a demand forecasting model in a rental company of billiard tables // 8. Analysis of physical arrangement and flow of the process in the classification sector in modern curtume // 9. The application of demand forecast models: case study on bearing factory // 10. Use of water treatment sludge in ceramic matrix for manufacturing bricks // 11. Virtual voice command assistant: Help for people with motor disabilities in the interaction with IoT objects of their residence // 12. A hybrid algorithm for parameter estimation of the short-ghrelin dynamics // 13. Mapping of processes as a tool for managing and controlling the production of bread in a bakery in Manaus // 14. Comparative study of the physical and mechanical properties between the conventional concrete using brita 0 and rolled pebble of the city of Manaus-Am // 15. The advantages of the Li-Fi application as an alternative to improve connectivity in areas with internet access, compared to the Wi-Fi system // 16. Rainwater catchment for non-potable purposes. A case study in an industrial laundry in the city of Manaus // 17. Analysis of the Efficiency of Hearing Protectors to Sound Pressure Levels Applied in Mechanical Manufacturing Processes of a PIM company // 18. Reduced Setup Time for an SMT Line // 19. Verification of technical and environmental viability to apply ashletic emulsion preparation (EAI) in comparison with cm 30, on the southern axis: a case study // 20. Analysis of the environmental temperature according to the type of soil surface in the city of Manaus // 21. Comparative analysis after the implantation of a computerized CNC plasma cutting equipment at a shipyard in the city of Manaus – AMV // 22. Analysis environmental conditions of the technical sector of Teixeira Consultant based in NR 17: a case study // 23. Reduction of the indication of damaged cabinets // 24. Gray water reuse system from air conditioners for non-potable purposes: case study applied at the Secretary of State of Finance – SEFAZ headquarters building in the city of Manaus-Am // 25. Didactic Prototype for Spectral Signature Identification and Vibrations in Small Equipment // 26. Applications and Advantages of the Internet of Things (IoT) at Industry // 27. The use of Drywall in inner vertical seals: advantages and disadvantages against the common masonry system in Brazil // 28. The importance of managing work safety for company poductivity // 29. Implantation of improvements in high voltage switchgears, aiming to avoid chronic or premature defects