Influence of gradation on the performance of asphaltic mixes
An assessment of asphaltic mixes on failed sections along Ado – Ikere road, Southwest Nigeria has been carried out. The study has been designed to fully understand and account for the incessant pavement failures aside soil characterization. Samples of asphalt concrete were collected from failed sections along the road. The samples were subjected to density measurements, bitumen extraction, sieve analysis, hot mix Marshall Stability and flow tests. Values ranging between 6.01 – 6.45 %, 320 – 365 kg, 3.6 – 5.9 mm, 4.2 – 6.0 % were obtained for bitumen content, stability, flow, voids in total mix, respectively. The results revealed influence of gradation on the performance of asphaltic mixes. Poor gradation of aggregates resulting in low stability and flow as well as excess voids in the concrete was apparent and capable of inducing pavement failure. The asphaltic mixes significantly fell out of the limits in the criteria of the 2007 Federal Ministry of Works and Housing Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges (FMW). Strict adherence to standards regarding asphalt concrete mix used for pavement construction is imperative to rule out the nature of asphaltic mixes as a possible cause of premature failure of road pavements.
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