Android application for identification of vehicle plates for traffic inspection
Traffic inspection is present in the daily lives of drivers. However, this inspectional process often presents itself in an inefficient and archaic way, by using paper and pen to write down the infractions committed, especially in regions lacking the latest technology. Thus, the objective of this work is to present a possible solution to this problem, with the development of a prototype application that allows the user to perform these inspections in a digital way. The methodology used includes a visit to Centro de Cooperação da Cidade (CCC) in Manaus, Amazonas, to analyze the current scenario of the city's traffic inspection system, as well as the determination of methods to integrate the information between the application developed and PRODAM's database. At the end of the research and development, the significant potential to aid traffic agents is verified, and presents direction for future research in the area to improve what was developed in this work.
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