Production of Antimicrobial Compounds using Thermophilic Bacteria Species Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus Tequilensis
Infections caused by resistant bacteria are a growing public health problem, consequently, a new source of microorganisms that can be used for antimicrobial production is needed. One of the microorganisms capable of producing antimicrobials is the thermophilic bacteria, namely B. subtilis and B. tequilensis. Due to having hot temperature-resistant enzymes, they are not easily damaged. Therefore, this study aims to produce new antimicrobials from B.subtilis and B.tequilensis. The antimicrobial activity was observed in 5 thermophilic bacterial isolates using the disk diffusion method. The results showed the strongest zone of inhibition (disk diameter = 6mm) or antimicrobial activity against S.aureus which was classified as gram-positive was discovered in B.subtilis UTMP15 (10.27 mm) at the incubation time of 24 hours, and against E.coli classified as gram-negative,it was in B. Subtilis UTMP12 (8.59 mm) at 48 hours. Hence, the isolate is a potential antimicrobial agent.
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