Smart pedagogy: Focus on the prospects and challenges of the flipped classroom approach in Nigerian architectural education
Architectural education in a developing country like Nigeria has remained largely dependent on the traditional learning approach/module where the architectural educator is the centre of knowledge in executing activities such as lectures, studio instructions, lab work, among others. A shift away from this method has been advocated especially in this era of information technology advancement. This study through a questionnaire survey of four higher institutions of learning in Nigeria, evaluates the prospects and challenges of implementing the flipped classroom approach. Using purposive sampling techniques, the well-structured questionnaire was used to gather data from both students and lecturers in (University of Lagos, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri and Yaba College of technology Lagos) regarding the subject of this study. The gathered data were analyzed using appropriate descriptive statistical tools and ANOVA. It was found that 80% of the lecturers are computer literate but only 20% opted for the use of the flipped classroom approach. Also 85% of the students prefer the use of the flipped classroom approach in architecture education. A significant relationship was observed in the perception of the students and lecturers regarding the use of flip classroom approach in Architecture education in Nigeria. The challenges and implications of implementation of flip classroom pedagogical approach for architectural education in Nigeria were also highlighted. Sustainable solutions were proffered for making architectural education more responsive to the rapid global technological development in the pedagogical approach in architectural education.
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