Catchment scale assessment of pollution threats to water quality in relation to prevalence of water-borne diseases in some communities in Omu-Aran, Nigeria
Water quality assessment, especially in relation to prevalent waterborne diseases is necessary to ensure that clean and safe drinking water is delivered and sustained to reduce water-borne disease and other public health issues that are associated with the use of unsafe water. Little has been documented about the relationship between water quality and prevalence of waterborne diseases in Omu-Aran, Nigeria. In this wise, eighteen (18) water samples were collected from the available drinking water sources in the three densely populated communities in the study area, Ifaja, Ihaiye and Aran. The microbiological analysis of the water samples was performed by the determination of total coliform, according to the modified methods while the physicochemical parameters were determined by Standard Methods (APHA, 2005). Questionnaires were administered to 100 respondents in the selected communities to elicit information on water sourcing, collection, storage, treatment and prevalence of waterborne diseases treatment. Eighteen (18) water quality parameters cutting across physico-chemical and biological traits were investigated. All parameters were found to be within the WHO limit except microbial parameter (coliform count). The contamination risk from the household activity assessment were found to be severe for water source and water storage while it is moderate for water collection and water treatment and hygiene practices. The prevalence of common waterborne diseases are 9%, 35% and 56% for cholera, typhoid and Diarrhea respectively. The correlation coefficient between microbial parameter and prevalence waterborne diseases are 0.02, -0.5 and 0.86 for cholera, typhoid and cholera respectively. This is indicative of the water quality potential to be inherently laddened with waterborne diseases.
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