GSM based smart fire and high-temperature detection system
This research refers to an Arduino and Global System for Mobile (GSM) based system for efficient detection of fire hazards. This project’s purpose is industrial and domestic safety, and the primary concern is to avoid the fire hazards that occur to the employees and the properties inside the buildings. As a solution, a smart fire and high-temperature detection system is design using GSM technology, smoke/temperature sensors, and Arduino technology. A smoke sensor is used to detect the smoke from the fire and a temperature sensor is used to detect temperature increase inside the building. In event of a fire, an alert message will be sent to the user via short message service (SMS) via the GSM module. Furthermore, when a fire is detected, a signal will be sent to the main power supply circuit breaker via a microcontroller and then the power supply of the particular building will shut down. Results from the test are documented and discussed in this paper. This system helps users to respond immediately to the situation and so improve their safety by protecting their lives and the properties from a disaster.
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