Behavior of biomaterials in relation to the conservation time and temperature: stability test of a bioproduct
All products before reaching the consumer's table go through a battery of analyzes, in order to check if these materials resist the weather, temperature, climate changes, friction, including transportation. Whether they really support physical, chemical and biological factors and also with the idea of estimating the useful life of these materials. Biomaterials are no different, all bioproducts are also subjected to resistance tests to reach industry, or long-term production. Among the numerous possibilities that exist for the application of biomaterials, recently the bioactive ones encapsulated in polymeric nanoparticles of controlled action stand out with their several alternatives of application, among them as natural insecticides, aiming at the reduction of conventional pesticides, including fungicides, used in the activation and controlled release of the drug.Thus, this research aims to develop a formulation and verify its behavior as a function of time and temperature (25 °C), as well as the application of different preservatives. , [phenoxyethanol-2-methyl-2H-isothiazolin-3-one-NE), citric acid and thymol] in order to verify its influence on the stability of the formulations as a function of time. Among all tested formulations, the one containing the preservative NE was the only one approved in all parameters.
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