Comparison among different software for photovoltaic plants projects: Case study

  • Fernando Valente de Menezes Júnior


Due to a need to search for new and diverse energetic alternatives, a photovoltaic energy is distinguished by the amount of energy received on our planet in a clean way, through the solar rays, which in addition to bringing light and heat to a life on Earth, can be approved for a generation of electricity. The study focuses on the municipality of Itacoatiara-AM, where it is part of the author's work history, and software for evaluating photovoltaic plant projects in the chosen location is compared. These presented results, besides specific information of each, returning values acceptable for future projection, demonstrated in the work. The software PVSyst, RETScreen and System Advisor Model were chosen to carry out the comparison of the results. PVSyst has a wide scope in the design and performance of systems, since RETScreen analyzes more deeply the financial resources, balances and risks during the installation project in front of the demands of sustainability and with the SAM, it is possible to identify more easily projects that are analyzed by performance and financial analysis, facilitating decision-making. As methodologies, they presented minimum variations between them in relation as measures of irradiation and effectiveness that present in the region under study with little variation of the respective software. Thus, the potential of the generation has proved to be very promising and a great part of this is due to the high solar radiation indices not in Brazil and mainly in the North region and the new technologies of the generation modules.


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How to Cite
Menezes Júnior, F. (2017). Comparison among different software for photovoltaic plants projects: Case study. ITEGAM-JETIA, 3(12), 36-49. Retrieved from