Analysis of discard process and recycle of glass on a drink distributor at Manaus, Amazonas

  • Fabiane Amaral de Albuquerque Silva
  • Marcelo Oliveira Lima
  • Claudio Nahum Alves


Public politics around the world are in development by different organizations, such as United Nations (UN), to preserve the environment and help people to be aware about recycling process. Instead, a common problem is the improper discard of many dejects that are set free into the environment, causing many problems of public health, beyond acting as a reservoir for many other social and environmental complications. Nowadays many governmental measures have been used to provide more knowledge about the consequences of glass improper discard, once this is the major material on drink commerce, also for being too fragile and hard to control the inadequate discard. With it, this study aims evaluate the firms located at the Industrial District which composed the Study to Development of an Integrated Solution Related to Industry Waste Management at Industrial Pole of Manaus. Still, we also evaluated the discard of a drink distributor of Manaus city looking for a better knowledge to future and higher studies. We selected randomly a small port distributor, which we saw that the glass ́ major destiny is to recycle, using a tertiary firm to complete this process. Yet, we found out that the period of daily work is around 10h to the employees, which receive trainings every two months by the own firm. So, we concluded that the firm acts with major concern about environmental pollution, looking for avoiding it.


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How to Cite
Silva, F., Lima, M., & Alves, C. (2017). Analysis of discard process and recycle of glass on a drink distributor at Manaus, Amazonas. ITEGAM-JETIA, 3(11), 119-124. Retrieved from

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