Optimal tuning of PID controller parameters for AGC of a wind
The interconnected power systems response control has become more challenging with the integration of wind energy due to the variable range of wind speed and power output. In addition to load perturbations, fluctuations in wind power can also impact system frequency. Therefore, enhancing current control strategies is essential to maintain the stability of the frequency in these complex power system scenarios. The Controller is tuned in three methods. The new tuning methods are introduced to the conventional proportional-integral and derivative controller such that the system gives best performance. These tuning methods are Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA) used to study the system performance in comparison between them on Time Domain Analysis. The system is also tested for its robustness in three cases as the nominal loads for both the areas and with the load disturbance and the controller by its gain variations. The system's results are acquired through the utilization of the MATLAB/Simulink software.
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